Membership Benefits
Hey there! We’re excited to offer you a complimentary 06 month membership with full access to all the features of membership. Yep, you read that right - it’s completely free for the first six months!
After the initial 06 months, we’ll charge a modest fee of just £1.99 per month. We’re confident that our membership benefits will more than justify the small cost.
Now, onto the stuff that matters- our learning and development benefits! Every month, you’ll get to attend virtual learning course focused on business and soft skills. The best part? You’ll have on-demand access to if for future reference.
You’ll also have access to a monthly regulatory and industry update webinar, again with on-demand access. We want you to stray ahead of the game and be informed about the latest industry trends.
And last but not least, we’ll be hosting a monthly 2-day introduction to insurance boot camp training that comes with a certification. You’ll be pro in no time!
Plus, we’ve got an e-learning portal that’s well stocked with the right amount of relevant learning resources. We want to help you keep growing and achieving your goals.